Convulsions, Premonitions

I feel like I have had a certain conversation on repeat for the past few weeks, but I can’t stop myself. The words are there right under my skin. “it is this time that matters  it is this history I care about  the one we make together awkward inconsistent as a lame cat on the loose or quick as kids freed […]

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Grieving for Mandela: The Mess of Loss

  I will carry with me the memory of when I first found out that Nelson Mandela died. I was in the lobby of a hotel in midtown when my best friend put her hand on my shoulder, pointing to the TV. I didn’t register at first what they were saying, but she repeated: “Nelson […]

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Jessica Goldstein: In Memoriam

Though it may be a little gratuitous, with the recent passing of my esteemed mentor and teacher, Jessica Goldstein, I have been thinking a lot about high school and some of those lost memories. So, here’s a short introspective. High school sometimes seems like a blur – ugly smells from the cafeteria, consistently awkward schedule […]

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Remembering Jessica Goldstein

“We are not idealized wild things. We are imperfect mortal beings, aware of that mortality even as we push it away, failed by our very complication, so wired that when we mourn our losses we also mourn, for better or for worse, ourselves. As we were. As we are no longer. As we will one […]

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Immigrant Mourning

How does one feel sadness properly? This week opens for me with a very recent death and a very raw period of mourning. As much as I believe that death is a natural inevitable process, it still shakes you to the core when it comes close. It’s almost enough to make me want to write […]

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Prayers for Troy Davis

Image via Feministing I got a news alert at 12:30am telling me that Georgia executed Troy Davis. I should have just rolled over and went back to sleep, but I lay awake, staring out of windows and wondering what could have prevented this. I was not personally affected by this case – heck, I only […]

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Mid-week Observations: Near Death

I recently heard from my father about a death of someone close to him. I did not know this man well, but I knew him in passing. He was in poor health and there were a lot of complications; we knew that he was going to die at some point, though it was still a […]

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