Places to Leave

This week, I have a piece out in CultureStrike on transnational adoption. It’s a very personal piece and it took a lot of work to put together (thanks, Michelle!) so please give it a read. Now, back to the action. A mala (floral necklace) made of red roses, orange and yellow accent flowers. I’ve left […]

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A Week in Pictures: Child’s Play

Ending the week with another feet-related piece of fiction! Clipping Annalisa’s toenails was a nightmare. She would squirm back and forth, wriggling her smelly 6-year-old feet, and her eyes would grow wide at the sight of the nail clippers. No promise of “it won’t hurt” or “it will take just a second” would placate her. […]

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A Week in Pictures: “Every Day I See Something New”

It’s (a little after) the middle of the week: take a moment today to create a sense of novelty in your day. What does creating novelty mean exactly? Perhaps you check out a website/book/image that you’ve never seen before but that has been recommended. Perhaps you do something different with whatever break time you have […]

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A Week in Pictures & Socks and Shoes

This week is the final one before spring break for me, in which time I have to devote my brain power to studying for a tough midterm and readying myself for the visit of my best friend, Heathy. It’s going to be a great (and tiring) week, so instead of posting my usual series of […]

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Project x Project: Chugging Along

At one point in my academic career, I wasn’t going out. I would haul up in my room, do my school activities, and come home. And, while this might work for some people (my boyfriend included), I get a serious case of cabin fever.So, although it’s not technically a “project,” my personal goal for these […]

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