This weekend, I had a brief time when felt like I was starting to lose it. Life was jumbled with work and work with life so much that I felt restless and in need of some quiet creative time.

Hence, I returned to that little gem of creating every day, but in a very different format than during the summer.

Summer days pass long and uninterrupted, generally, so I had set no time for specific creative progress. Now, I’ve set aside two fixed hours during the day where I just sit around and do… well, anything. This week, I’ve written a poem, planned out a zine to be entitled Letters to Myself, and drawn a “hand-lage” (pictures coming soon). And overall its kept me a little more sane than before.

Artists and writers never have time enough for their craft – if there were three circles in the Venn diagram of my life (school, work, and creative pursuits), I would say that creative pursuits is the one I long to do the most, but gets the least attention. For now, I’m fighting back with a schedule and a raised pen.

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