I am pleased to announce that I have completed my project for the Active Mind Emerging Scholars program – check out my blogging over at the Active Minds website and the research zine that I made for this fellowship! You can read about my initial work, my process, and my full findings over at their blog.

It was a great opportunity to research something that I’ve become increasingly more interested in throughout this year; Asian American women and their relationship to therapy and psychology is mostly confined to classes such as Cultural Psychology. But the ways in which culture and intersections of identity relate to how people approach services (in my research, college campus mental health services) cannot be confined. They affect the day to day decisions we make about our own health based on many factors not just related to race or gender, but to expectations and personal experiences as well. As my research paper asserts, much of the work goes into making counseling and other services more accessible through recognizing that different pressures exist for these groups and finding ways to address them that better the infrastructure of the resources as a whole.

Anyway, it’s been a fascinating and fantastic ride that has now come to a close, and I invite you to check out the proceedings!

One thought to “Research Wrap-Up: Asian American Psychology Project”

  • Heather

    Great zine! Though we talked about this a little before, I feel that I came away even more solidly informed having read it.

    So proud of you. 🙂

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