This weekend, I attended SlutWalk NYC. Now, despite my misgivings on the idea of reclaiming the word “slut” (see some great articles on this topic such as this one), I felt like the first message of the SlutWalk was an admirable one: no one should be made to feel they called for sexual violation/violence due to their clothes.

The march was an amazing spectacle – tons of people (including 6+ of our fabulous Well Women) marching through the streets near Union Square shouting chants such as “Yes means yes, no means no!” and “Rape is a felony, even for NYPD!” for all to hear. It was great to feel the vibrant energy of the moment; there were people in all sorts of dress, from conservative to casual to sexy, with as many amazing signs as there were hands. And what was amazing to me is that it felt so… right. So uniting to have the crowd actually take an interest in this issue, not just a few isolated folks.

I will be writing more on the march in the coming week, but for now I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves (you can also see all bajillion pictures by liking The Cowation on Facebook!):

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