It’s been quite a long time in the making, but I’ve finally finally finished putting together my art zine: Loving Ghosts.

The theme is on support networks – people in my life who have been invisible loving supports to me as I walk my journey. I wanted to do a lot of mixed media work, so I started out by doing pen portrait drawings, then adding colored pencil, and finally pasting them onto watercolor backgrounds. I added a little bit of cut-and-paste design to it, but not much.

Print copies of this zine will be on sale for pay-what-you-wish with a suggested $5 minimum per copy. All the proceeds will go to paying writers at As[I]Am, the Asian American social justice online magazine that I founded and currently edit. Please take the time to support us with your donation or just by reading the submissions! Speaking of which, we still have an open call for submissions for our spring issue on “Resistant Bodies.” Check it out and get your work in by February 1st!

Thanks to everyone who was willing to be featured in this zine. It is really one of my greatest accomplishments in the new year.

(psst, you can now buy my zines on Etsy! Check out how you can get Loving Ghosts and back issues of my other zines there)