The day of graduation (it’s so big it deserves it’s own sections):
– Grad rehearsal in the morning and the chaos of a nearly unplanned graduation on the field (geez… you would think that the administration would get a little more prepared)
– Went out with Josh and Heathy and got my makeup done at Clinique (really nice actually, considering that we kind of botched my makeup the day before with Heathy’s decision that she was my ‘personal styler’)
– Went to lunch with the grandparents at Applebees – craziness and awesome reunion of two halves of our family. Celebrating graduating in style!
– Running around and changing into my graduation attire (I finally got nervous about my speech at about that time and ran it over with Heathy)
– Walking over to Interlake and doing a mini-photo shoot with Heathy along the way (pictures in the next post are courtesy of her!)
– Running around talking to everyone who came in, all in the same attire, and wondering why our entire staff appeared like witches and warlocks in their black graduation robes.
– Lining up, nervously, as the stands filled and we watched our graduation begin… we walked across the field with locked arms, broke off as we exited the blue and white arch, stampeded attractively forward to our seats (I, being a speaker, sat on stage) and sat through what seemed to be a remarkably short graduation ceremony – shortest I’ve been to! Millhollen’s speech was inspirational, but less ‘him’ than I thought it would be. The other pleasantries were pretty well done, but I felt like the principal missed the point on a lot of things. For myself, I was feeling nervous so, while I didn’t tremble, I did stutter a bit – however, I think it went over well as a speech ‘for the people.’ I bucked Interlake in style and everyone caught the fever – sweet!
– Cascading out into the monolithic crowd of students and well-wishers as they said their goodbyes. Heathy took a lot of pictures of me with some of the friends I think I’ll never see again, as well as my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncle. Overall, it was a crazyfest because of so many people flooding the Commons and figuring out where they were going next. I was tired already and it wasn’t even Senior Party!
– Out of the mayhem and into the odd… when I stripped away all my grad attire, donned my dad’s coat for warmth, and realized that my heels weren’t the best for partying, we were off to get searched for the senior party. I was pretty pissed off that they took my bag even though it only had lipstick in it (geez) but then started talking to Molly and all the people from our senior class so as to ignore it. It was a lot of waiting for the buses, but once they arrived, I found myself on the all guy bus with just a few Russian girls and me. Luckily, Goru was there and we chatted the entire way – yay!
– Our first location was a boat. (I’m on a boat, mothafucka’!) It was more awesome than I’d thought because I didn’t originally like the idea of a boat, but the ride was pretty smooth and once people had eaten their fill and we started dancing, it was pretty good. I was sad that there wasn’t more time to dance since they were actually playing pretty good songs (Pitbullll!) but then came time for the hypnotist and the crazy show of popular people doing insane things while under the influence of belief. It was hilarious, but long, and so when we finally returned to shore, it was already late.
– I was falling asleep on the bus as we headed to our next location – Family Fun Center. Although I like playing games, I was just too tired for this place by that point. I shot dinosaurs with Nitsu and then promptly proceeded to take a pretty long nap on a table near the food area. When I woke up again, I walked around and played some other games (including beating Omar at Tekken – yesss) but ultimately just wanted to go home. When we arrived back in the morning, I was so disoriented that nothing even made sense anymore…

And that was the day and night of graduation. Overall, I’m pretty psyched that we’re out now – as Molly and Kelsey and I conjectured in the early morning at Family Fun Center, there were a lot of people who thoroughly enjoyed high school… and then there were people who didn’t. I liked some parts of high school, but overall it was more complaint-worthy than memorable. Happiness ebbs and flows though, maybe when I look back on this in twenty years, I’ll be saying ‘yep, those were the best years of my life…’ Haha – doubt it.