I am at an impasse.

I have come to love the broadsheets that I have created for the collage project so much that I feel it would almost be better to leave them as is (as opposed to cutting them up into all sorts of cool shapes), although that was not my original intention for the project. What’s a crafter to do?

I believe that this “stuck-ness” is another part of my process that gets downplayed when looking at the finished project. In the midst of things, I will spend countless hours thinking about how to do something that will end up taking about two hours total. Brainstorming and setting those thoughts aside to gestate for a little while is ultimately an integral piece of the whole creativity pie.

So, fair readers, I entreat you to help me out. Check out the last DIY Interlude post and tell me: how would you like to see these pieces end up? Cut into shapes? Left as is? Something completely different? Let me know!*

*And, if I don’t get any comments, it’ll just be one big surprise!

Take a look at the rest of this collage process in steps one, two, four and five.
You can also check out some more posts featuring my photography.

2 thoughts to “DIY Interlude: Please Stand By

  • Crafting Humanity

    i would either leave them as it, or rip them into long strips. I love the ripped paper look.

  • Jordan A.

    That's a good idea! I will think about it – ripped paper does give it a more edgy feel I think.

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