In this post, I want to begin take you through my process of making art through the example of making a collage. I have been wanting to start this project for a while now, so I think it will be interesting to track my steps over the next few weeks. Hope you have a good time watching it all unfold!

First Stage: Ideas
I always struggle in the idea process. I have an idea, think it’s great, revise it over and over, and stress about what was reallythe best iteration of that idea. For example, here are some sketches that I did in thinking about this collage project (click for it to be bigger):

If you multiply all the sections of these sketches by about 1000, then you will get the amount of re-workings that I performed in my head. One big one was that the slogan I wanted to use changed from “EVERY WOMAN IS A REAL WOMAN” to “COME AS YOU ARE.” I am also still not sure about the pose that I want to use.

I also laid out the large pieces of paper I’ll be working on in several different configurations until I came down to this one as my favorite:

Take a look at the rest of this collage process in steps two, three, four and five.
You can also check out some more posts featuring my photography.