Yesterday, I wrote up my retrospective of 2011, so today I offer you some further great reading to reflect on for the year – pieces I’ve loved and wanted to follow up with. Here’s to a new year and new material to come!

Guest posts
I’ve been submitting several pieces into the larger internet world this year, including one I didn’t know was published on The Rumpus: Last Book I Loved – The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. This year I was writing for Refuse the Silence, a blog about women of color on college campuses. I blogged with HellaBus and the Barnard Zine Library blog, including a feature on the event I read at, Meet Me At the Race Riot. My interview responses were posted on the Brooklyn Zine Fest blog and I got a mention on Brown Pundits. All great work that I hope to continue in the coming year!

Life Lessons
I’ve been learning a lot about the power of living in the moment, having positive body image, and being mindful of break-taking. I’ve also really enjoyed learning about living life like it’s an experiment, writing well, following your dreams, blogging, keeping balance, gratitude and habit formation.

Political/Identity pieces
I talked a lot about my South Asian identity this year. I wrote about Muslim women, becoming an activist, and embracing single sex education. It was quite an amazing year for self-exploration!

On Location
As I mentioned yesterday, I attended a lot of events this year: everything from Slutwalk NYC to Seattle Pride. I attended Occupy Wall Street, a vigil for Troy Davis, and several writing events at the Nuyorican and The Moth. I attended the Stand Up for Women’s Health Rally, Take Back the Night, and the blogging event Ain’t I A Woman? Such a sweet year for being out there in the world.

I did a lot of series this year. There was Caught My Eye, Project x Project (and its follow-up Creative Every Day), and DIY Interlude where I explored my own creative process. I also experimented with making a zine video tutorial and another video on progress. So, on top of everything, I feel that this year was also great for experiments.

And that marks the airing of all my 2011 pieces of note. Now that the closets are cleared, let’s welcome in the new year!