Writing Live: Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe and The Moth

Last week, I had the fabulous opportunity to attend not one, but two literary events in NYC: The Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe Friday night slam and The Moth’s StorySlam at the Brooklyn Museum. After getting a healthy dose of Snoop Dogg, I took a 180 degree turn in my live entertainment consumption. And, to put it […]

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Breaking New Work: Draw-a-Thon Recap

Oh my, this week has been photo-heavy! Below are two views of the final drawing that I did during the 5 hour Draw-a-thon last weekend. I felt like the first four hours were really a warm-up, consisting of shorter poses and some medium length ones. I am notorious, however, for not being able to adapt […]

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Ain’t I A Woman Event Tonight!

Tonight I am attending the Refuse the Silence* event “Ain’t I A Woman?” talking about race in the feminist movement. I am very excited to go, but unfortunately that doesn’t leave me with a ton of time to post today. Regular posting will resume tomorrow, and expect a fabulous recap by the end of the […]

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Gearing Up for a Draw-a-thon!

Tonight I am on a mission to draw like I have never drawn… since last semester! The Columbia Artist’s Society is having their end-of-the-year Draw-a-thon starting in just a few minutes; that means a five hour figure drawing bonanza like you’ve never seen before. That also means, unfortunately, I will not be putting up my […]

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On Location: Stand Up for Women’s Health! Rally

Check out more pictures at my DeviantArt gallery Today a band of Barnard students, including myself, ventured down to lower Manhattan to voice our support for women’s reproductive health care. It was extremely encouraging to see the large turnout completely engulfing Foley Square and the steps of the Manhattan courthouse, waving signs large and small, […]

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On Location: SOCLR Love (or, Day 3)

(my SOCLR graphic – click to actually read!) I want to describe my SOCLR experience in a series of experiences, similar to the way I have previously described New York. 1. First day, waiting for the bus, lugging too much stuff, I am aided by a kind (and stronger) hand.2. I almost cry on multiple […]

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On Location: SOCLR Day 2

It occurred to me that anyone outside of the Columbia community (or even most people in the Columbia community) probably don’t know what SOCLR is. Allow me to define:SOCLR = Students of Color Leadership Retreat, which is put on every year to discuss and challenge stereotypes and other racial issues that pertain to personal identity […]

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On Location: SOCLR Day 1

Today I am embarking on a restorative weekend. No cell phone reception, select internet, and a completely different location than my urban Manhattan lifestyle. (I know, quel horreur!)So, for this weekend, I will probably be putting up posts that are more descriptive than analytical, but we’ll see how it goes. Let’s get on to the […]

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Project x Project: NaNoWriMo 2010 & On Location: The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear

For those of you who don’t know, National Novel Writing Month occurs every year in November. It’s a time when writers come out of their holes and join in an online race to the finish – 50,000 words written within the month. And I am doing it. Again.I have “won” for the past two years […]

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Spring Break: A Photographic Journey

So, after I uploaded all the Sakuracon photographs, Blogger pretty much crashed. Haha. So this is the second installment of my spring break! Hooray! These photographs are primarily from two locations: a beach in Renton and Bellevue Downtown Park.I used to do a lot of scenery work, even creating my own website for it, but […]

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